Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas season

Merry Christmas Everyone....
may this christmas bring all your day joy and happiness....

24th DeCeMbEr 2010....ChRiStMaS eVe
i have a very nice time serving with gregory, jeremy, sean, sebastian, anne, gabriel, aloysius and micheal at the night mass at 11.00 pm...  thanks for every thing...

25th DeCeMbEr 2010....ChRiStMaS 
after the morning mass, we went to straits garden to have lunch... down there i had so much fun with my relative... after lunch, we went to my uncle house to exchange the presents... alan taught how to play was so much fun... the present are all so lovely...thanks....

26thDeCeMbEr 2010....OnE dAy AfTeR cHrIsTmAs....
thank you aloysius for being my kor... ^_^


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cousin Outing

15  December 2010, we all have an awesome day...
My cousin christine, raechel and ryan came at 8.15 in the morning... i have to let my cousin do some make up and hair curls for her to test.. it look so weird and funny on me...then at 11, my uncle came to take christine, raechel, anne and me to tebrau city... we went to take cinema area to buy some tickets.. the price of the ticket for tangled 3d was like freeking expensive.. the total price for 5 tangled tickets is rm 105.. the 3 narnia tickets is rm 27...we then went to a shop so that my cousin can get some nail polish... after that we went to stone grill to eat... raechel was wondering why the boys have come yet... we had some misunderstanding and the rest of them came late... the show was like a bit interesting and a bit long winded...after that we went to loud speaker....there are 8 of us so alan have to drive two round... we had an fun cousin outing...we sang, dance and took photo...we came back after 7.30..

Rapunzel A Tangled Tale

Some cousins picture together having fun....
 me and tine

ryan, alan, gabriel, anne.christine,me,daniel,raechel

 ryan, alan, gabriel, anne.christine,me,daniel,raechel

 ryan, alan, anne


ryan, alan, gabriel, anne.christine,raechel,daniel,me


me, daniel, anne, gabriel, ryan, alan, christine, raechel


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Exploring day

On the 14th Dec 2010, R*** and PP came early in the morning. 
After a while, we went to SKST to get my brother's book.
 After buying, we went a exploring and went to see R*** 's school. 
The field is like super big. 
Then, we went to R***'s house to watch DVD entitled  "Transporter 3"... 
 We spend time just to wait for my cousin R****** to finish her interview.
 R*** teach me a way how to cook a nicer Ramen...
 Then, my mum suddenly message me and ask whether we got take the receipt for those books... 
We were like oh no how... 
Then we told PP, we have to go back to get the receipt.
 He said 1.30 leave.... 
Out of the blue my godma came back. 
Then, we watch "Toy Story 3" for a while..
 At 1.20, PP say let's go. 
My brother,sister and me take our things and hop in the car... 
PP drove us to SKST to get the receipt and then drove to Kota Raya. 
We went down to find my cousin and PP find a place to park his car.. 
He waited in the car while we were wondering...  
When we get on the escalator, i suddenly fell down and hurt my both leg.. 
The pain is like killing me and i hardly could walk.
 So we took the lift. 
The i called my cousin, R***** and ask her where is she. 
We told her to meet us at the Bank Islam there... 
The me and my bro saw someone following us so we walk faster and pulling my sister. 
We then change our location and me at my aunt work place. 
Not even a minute we found my cousin. We the go buy banana cake... 
That shop don't bake by using oven..
They use the olden time way which mean using firewoods... 
The banana cake is like so darm nice... 
Then my sis and bro have to get some big currypuff.. 
Me and my cousin  were like wad they are buying when they came back with two big bag... 
The we went to R*** house to eat those delicious food and the go back home to get ready for guitar lesson at 5 pm...


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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Music time

Hello, yesterday i went to Harmony Music Center with my uncle and my two sibling...
 We went to find out more on the guitar lesson...
 After a long talk with Francisca, a worker in the music center, we finally went home and started discussing on the date and time...
 We finally made up our mind...

Today is our first day of class, my sis went first...
Then my bro...Lastly, it was me ... 
I had a tough time, my fingers won't stay and i can't play well..
 :( my fingers was also pain due to press on the strings...
 but i won't give up... 
I still got another 15 lesson to go...
jia you!!!

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